Part 1 - Screen Navigation Overview

The InscriptiFact Search and Retrieval system has three components that must be "mocked up" in the prototype:

    • First, the database of images are narrowed to those of a single "Text". (See Definition of "Text" in InscriptiFact Prototype Requirements, Section I - Definitions)
    • Second, images of the selected "Text" are narrowed to a desired set of images.
    • Third, the selected images are viewed and compared.

Chart One below illustrates the possible prototype navigation sequences resulting in the selection of a single Text. Note that if the user types in a Text Number from the Main Search Screen, a Text is selected at the very beginning, so there is no further navigation in the selection of a single Text.

Once one Text is selected, there are three possible navigational sequences for selecting a desired set of images. The specific sequence in any given prototype scenario depends entirely on which of three Text types is selected.

Chart Two below illustrates the three possible navigation sequences following the selection of a single Text.

Chart Three illustrates the result of both sequences, selecting a single Text and selecting a set of desired images, for all the possible navigation sequences.

Chart One illustrates the three possible prototype navigation sequences resulting in the selection of a single text.

        • (Screen 2 - Screen 3A - Screen 4A)
        • (Screen 2 - Screen 3B )
        • (Screen 2)

The navigation sequence for narrowing the images of a selected Text down to a desired set depends entirely on which of three Text types was selected.

The navigational sequences are as follows:

  • Search/Display (S/D) Type 1 - Spatial Search

--Following the user selection of a single Text, Screen 4C/5, Text Spatial Search Screen is displayed. Screen 4C/5 displays a reference image or map (image map) of the desired text.

--Following user definition of a spatial area on the selected text reference image or map on Screen 4C/5, Text Spatial Search, the system will return a results listing of thumbnails on Screen 6, Image Results.

  • S/D Type 2 -- List of Text Divisions

--Following the user selection of a single Text, the system will display a list of text divisions on Screen 4B, List of Text Divisions.

--When the user selects a text division the system will display thumbnails of images assigned to the selected division on Screen 6, Image Results Screen.

  • S/D Type 4 -- Direct Image Thumbnail Display

--Following the user selection of a single Text, the system will return a results listing of thumbnails on Screen 6, Images Results Screen. [NOTE: SCREEN 4B, LIST OF TEXT DIVISIONS AND SCREEN 4C/5, TEXT SPATIAL SEARCH ARE OMITTED WHEN THE TEXT SELECTED IS TYPE 4.]


Note: There are no prototype texts with Search/Display Type 3 - List of Text Divisions Followed a Spatial Search.

Table 1 below lists the prototype texts, Search/Display Types and the navigation sequence for each.

(NOTE: Texts omitted from this simplified version of the prototype are grayed out.)


Chart Two illustrates the three possible navigation sequences that follow selection of a single text. The three possible sequences are

color and pattern coded.


Chart Three below illustrates all the possible navigational sequences. The color and pattern coding remains as in Chart Two above.


Table 1. Table of Texts With Search/Display Types and Resulting Navigation Sequences

If User Selects This Text:

The Navigation Sequence is:

Text ID

Text or Publication Number

Text Description

Search/Display Type



1Q17 Jub a

Book of Jubilees; Livre de Jubiles


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


1Q18 Jub b

Book of Jubilees; Livre de Jubiles


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


1Q19 Noah

Book of Noah; Livre de Noe


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


1Q22 DM

Words of Moses; Dires de Moise


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


1Q23 EnGiants a ar

Book of Enoch Giants in Aramaic; Apocryphe en arameen


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


1Q27 Myst

Book of Mysteries; Livre des mysteres


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


1Q28a Sa

Rule of the Congregation messianic Rule; Regle de la Congregation


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


1QapGen ar;

1Q20 apGen ar

Genesis Apocryphon, Cols. 0, I, II, "Trever Fragment," "Schoyen Fragment"


1.Display Screen 4B, List of Text Divisions

2.User selects Text Division]

3. Display Screen 6, Image Results

[4. User selects images for View/Desktop]

5. Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


TAD A4.7

Appeal Letter


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


TAD C2.1

Bisitun Inscription


1.Display Screen 4B, List of Text Divisions

[2.User selects Text Division]

3. Display Screen 6, Image Results

[4. User selects images for View/Desktop]

5. Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


TAD C3.13

Fragmentary Record of Memoranda


1.Display Screen 4B, List of Text Divisions

[2.User selects Text Division]

3. Display Screen 6, Image Results

[4. User selects images for View/Desktop]

5. Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


TAD A4.1

Passover Letter


1.Display Screen 6, Image Results

[2.User selects images for View/Desktop]

3.Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


KTU 1.20

Rapiķuma Legend


1.Display Screen 4C/5, Text Spatial Search

[2. User defines spatial area and clicks Begin Search]

3.Display Screen 6, Image Results Screen

[4. User selects images for View/Desktop]

5. Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


KTU 1.21

Rapiķuma Legend


1.Display Screen 4C/5, Text Spatial Search

[2. User defines spatial area and clicks Begin Search]

3.Display Screen 6, Image Results Screen

[4. User selects images for View/Desktop]

5. Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


KTU 1.22

Rapiķuma Legend


1.Display Screen 4C/5, Text Spatial Search

[2. User defines spatial area and clicks Begin Search]

3.Display Screen 6, Image Results Screen

[4. User selects images for View/Desktop]

5. Display Screen 7, View/Desktop


Next: Part 2

Previous: Introduction

Section IV Table of Contents

Prototype Table of Contents



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