Section IV

Screen Navigation

Leta Hunt



NOTE: This document represents a significant simplification from the previous document sent to the Visual Basic programmer. It supercedes and replaces the previous document.

The purpose of this document is to give a detailed description of prototype screen navigation sequences. The document is presented in five parts:


Part 1 - Screen Navigation Overview

Part 2 - Navigation Sequences Resulting From Using the "Text or Publication Number" Area

Part 3 - Navigation Sequences Resulting From Selecting "List by Corpus"

Part 4 - Navigation Sequences Resulting From Selecting "List by Text"

In order to simplify the prototype, three texts have been selected to illustrate the scenarios in Parts 2-4. These scenarios are labeled, Priority One. The primary goal of the prototype is to illustrate these Priority One scenarios.

However, other scenarios utilizing screens and lists already completed would allow the users a greater range of choices. These additional scenarios are labeled Priority Two and Three and are listed in a separate document, Addendum to Section IV.

Priority Two scenarios require only that different images be presented in Screen 6, Image Results and Screen 7, View/Desktop and add 8 texts for demonstration. Priority Three requires the addition of a different Index Map in the Spatial Search Screen.

Texts and photos being omitted for the simplified prototype are grayed out in the tables.

The screen navigation tables are presented within the text of this document and are also grouped for easy reference in Appendix 1.

Each navigation sequence is illustrated with a chart and a set of tables. Each scenario is also presented as a set of screen drawings in the Appendices.

Screen 1, Welcome/Exit, provides entry and exit to and from the system but does not play a role in the navigation sequences, so it is omitted in the charts and drawings. In a practical sense, Screen 2, Main Search, is the starting point for each sequence.

Also, in the prototype, the functionality of the KEYWORDS or PHRASES area of Screen 2, Main Search Screen will be mocked up by allowing the user to type in anything in the keywords or phrases area, but it will be the responsibility of the demonstrator to select words and phrases that will be relevant to other parameters. The text input area is illustrated below.


Next: Part 1

Section IV Table of Contents

Prototype Table of Contents



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