Figure 6, Screen 6


Screen 6, Image Results Screen

(See ISF_3 and ISF_4)

1. It must be possible to "retrieve" all the images appropriate to a selected text or text division.

2. It must NEVER be possible to retrieve images of more than one text.

3. It must be possible to demonstrate QuickView (Present 512 x 512 image - See below).

4. It must be possible to show the full cataloging of a selected image using the Full Cataloging Bar.

5. It must be possible to select at least two images for the desktop.

When viewing the Image Results screen, the user may:

a. View the attributes of the full cataloging for a selected image.
b. Enlarge the thumbnail (128 x 128 pixels) to 512 x 512 pixels to better evaluate it, (which we call "QuickView," not to be confused with the commercial software, QuickView.)
c. Select one or more images to move to the desktop.

Note that clicking on the arrow button at the top right of each thumbnail results in the enlargement ("QuickView") of the image to 512 x 512 pixels. (See ISF_4.jpg.)

When the thumbnail is enlarged (in QuickView mode), the direction of the arrow should change to downward. (See ISF_4.jpg)

Only one image at a time can be "QuickViewed".

A selection is made by clicking on the thumbnail.

A selection is noted by the area between the double lines (hollow bar) turning to blue and the text turns blue and italic. (See Figure 6.)

The full cataloging attributes can be viewed for only one image at a time.

If more than one thumbnail is selected (for the desktop), and the user attempts to display the full cataloging, the attributes for the most recent selection will be displayed when the Full Cataloging Bar is queried.

One or two images can be selected for the desktop.

Once an image are selected, they can be viewed in the desktop by any one of the following actions:

* The user clicks the "Next" button at the top
* The user clicks "View/Desktop" on the Page Menu

In other words, once an image is selected, it will appear on the desktop once the user navigates to the desktop either by clicking "View/Desktop" or by clicking the "Next" button.



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