Section II

General Prototype Requirements

Leta Hunt

Prototype General Requirements

* The prototype will demonstrate the appearance of the search and retrieval screens and windows. It will also present the various search and display possibilities and sequences.
* The prototype version being proposed will be accessible on a PC compatible laptop or desktop system (as opposed to an internet/intranet version or a UNIX or MacIntosh version).
* The prototype screens must fit on a 15" laptop screen with a resolution of 1024 x 768
* The Graphical User Interface design is provided by the graphics team and must be replicated exactly.

The GUI specification is provided as series of flash and other graphics files on CD.
The GUI diagrams (drawings) in the documents are not replacements for the artists' rendition. The diagrams are for illustration of functions that could not be provided in the artists' rendition. The artists' rendition, (rather than the diagrams), is the specification.

* A third party viewer, MrSID by LizardTech, will be used for viewing high resolution images in the Screen 7, View/Desktop Screen.

Files and Documents Provided

The following documents and files are provided.

* The artists' rendition of the GUI is provided as a series of flash and other graphics files on CD.

* The InscriptiFact Prototype Requirements Documents
* Section I - Background and Overview
* Section II - General Requirements - (this document)
* Section III - GUI Design Specification
* Section IV - Screen Navigation
* Appendices - Scenarios

* The metadata for the prototype data will be provided in several Microsoft Access tables including:

* Corpus -- Full Cataloging
* Text -- Full Cataloging
* Photo--Full Cataloging
* Image Headers for Thumbnail and QuickView (also used for full view)

* The images for the prototype are provided on two zip disks.

For each photo 3 images will be provided:

* A thumbnail, (128 x 128 pixel image) in JPEG format with a filename of the following form, "ISFxxxT.jpg"
* A "QuickView" image (512 x 512 pixels) with a filename of the following form, "ISFxxxQ.jpg"
* A compressed image in two files, the image with filename (ISFxxxC.ecw) and the header (ISFxxxC.ers).

(NOTE: The suffixes, T=Thumbnail, Q=QuickView, and C=Compressed)

Content (the images)

The content is presented on two zip disks containing 109 compressed images, 109 thumbnails (128 x 128 pixel images) and 109 QuickViews (512 x 512 pixel images).

Those images that will not be used for prototyping are identified and grayed out in the Screen Navigation tables in the Requirements Document, Section IV - Screen Navigation.

The images for the prototype are provided on two zip disks.

For each photo 3 images are provided:

* A thumbnail, (128 x 128 pixel image) in JPEG format with a filename of the following form, "ISFxxxT.jpg"
* A "QuickView" image (512 x 512 pixels) with a filename of the following form, "ISFxxxQ.jpg"
* A compressed image in two files, the image with filename (ISFxxxC.ecw) and the header (ISFxxxC.ers).

(NOTE: The suffixes, T=Thumbnail, Q=QuickView, and C=Compressed

List of Files Provided 






InscriptiFact Prototype Requirements Documents


Prototype Requirements - Section I, Background and Overview


Prototype Requirements - Section II, General Requirements


Prototype Requirements - Section III, GUI Design


Prototype Requirements - Section IV, Screen Navigation


Prototype Requirements - Appendices
























Microsoft Access Database - Full Cataloging and Image Headers




Graphics Files


Readme for Graphics Files CD

Screen 2, Main Search Screen

Screen 4A, Corpus Table of Contents, Page 2

Screen 6, Image Results

Screen 6, Image Results with QuickView example

Screen 4C/5, Text Spatial Search

Screen 1, Welcome/Exit





Screen 2, Main Search Screen - prepared for grid display


Screen 4A, Corpus Table of Contents, p. 2 - prepared for grid display


Screen 6, Image Results - prepared for grid display


Screen 6, Image Results w/ QuickView - prepared for grid display


Specifications for line, color, font - Screen 2, Main Search Screen


The elliptical buttons without text - prepared for grid display

The Page Navigation Menu without text - prepared for grid display


LizardTech logo


LizardTech logo on Welcome Screen background


InscriptiFact logo on checkered grid


3Caos logo


Welcome Screen background with word, "InscriptiFact" [See CDReadme for note]


Welcome Screen background without word, InscriptiFact


The color, line, font specificaitons for the Welcome Screen [See CD READMe for note]


Acceptance Requirements and Testing

There are five elements required for acceptance:

1. Graphical User Interface
2. Full Cataloging Display
3. Screen Navigation
4. Viewer
5. Acceptable Performance

1. The GUI must exactly replicate the appearance of the artists' rendition.

In order to ensure an artistic design, a graphics team was hired to produce the GUI design.

The prototype GUI must EXACTLY replicate the appearance of the artists' rendition.

The design will be evaluated by the means of a grid overlay.

Instructions for displaying the grid are as follows:

Open Adobe Photoshop
Open any of the design jpeg or gif files
Go to the "View" menu in Photoshop
Select "Show Grid"
Go to "View" menu
Select "Show Rulers"
Go to "File"
Select "Preferences"
Select "Guides and Grids"

Set gridlines for every centimeter
Set 4 subdivisions per centimeter

2. The basic screen navigation sequences must be demonstrable.

The navigation sequences that will be used for the testing are identified in:

* The Tables and Charts in the InscriptiFact Prototype Requirements, Section IV - Screen Navigation
* The Scenarios presented in InscriptiFact Prototype Requirements - Appendices

3. The metadata for each selected record must be viewable through the "Full Cataloging Bar".

There are three kinds of records that might be selected by users:

a. Corpus records
b. Text records
c. Photograph records

(See "Definitions" in InscriptiFact Prototype Requirements, Section I - Definitions, regarding these three types of records.)

The attributes for each record are to be displayed through the GUI "Full Cataloging Bar"
(See InscriptiFact Prototype Requirements, Section III - GUI Design.)

A Microsoft Access table of the full cataloging elements has been provided for each of these types of records. (See "List of Files Provided" in this document.)
4. Each image must be viewable in three resolutions:

* As thumbnails (128 x 128 pixels) in Screen 6, Image Results
* As QuickViews (512 x 512 pixels) in Screen 6, Image Results
* High resolution using the MrSID viewer, in Screen 7, View/Desktop

5. Performance is important for the success of the prototype. The engineers should advise and otherwise work with the Implementation Director to optimize performance.


Next: Section III

Previous: Section I

Prototype Table of Contents



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